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Health, Safety, and Environment

Plan to Prevent 

We have one chance at life and one planet to live on. Cenco is committed to preventing harm to the environment and those impacted by our operations. We’re proud to live and operate in a country with some of the highest HSE standards in the world, and we constantly strive to meet or exceed the standards set by regulators and our customers.

Health and Safety

Our industry is very demanding of our people, but we make it our #1 priority to ensure everyone makes it home safe. Our goal is to eliminate workplace injuries, and we’ve implemented our 6-step process to accomplish this.

Hover each box to learn more about Cenco Wireline Inc.

Step 1
Set the Tone at the top

Safety is an integral part of the way we manage and conduct our business. Everyone in our organization receives safety training. 

Step 1:

Step 2
Employ the best People

We are dilligent in our efforts to hire only the best people, and having a strong safety record is important.

Step 2:

Step 3

Cenco has strict inspection and maintenance protocols to ensure our equipment is reliable and predictable in its operation.

Maintain our equipment to the highest standards

Step 3:

Step 4
Plan our work before executing

We have safety and operational meetings before each job so that everyone knows their role and is prepared for the job.

Step 4:

Step 5
Train our Employees

All employees receive safety and job training by industry leading professionals.

Step 5:

Step 6
Provide PPE

As a final line of defense, employees are provided with PPE to help protect them from job hazzards.

Step 6:

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Respecting the environment we live and work in is second nature to us. As avid outdoorsmen, we understand the importance of taking care of the environment to preserve the beauty of our land for future generations. From initial planning to the time we leave the site, and beyond, our policies and procedures focus on reducing the footprint of our activities.

As part of our onboarding and training process, our management team ensures all employees are aware of our commitment to environmental leadership and reducing our environmental footprint.

We're an active and compliant member of Avetta, ISN, and Complyworks. Our goal is to ensure safety creates the foundation for all of our work. For more information, give us a call!

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